I, Erika L Soul am a fully qualified experienced Access BARS practitioner. I facilitate Access Bars sessions in Boronia in my Rainbow Healings practice room in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Access Bars sessions are only available in person.
I have completed four Access Bars training classes and attended many Access Bars practitioner group sessions and gained alot of experience and awareness with running Bars for over 10 years now for many people. I love Access Bars and really enjoy running Access Bars sessions for people.
If you would love more ease joy and glory and want to offload all that stuff stored up in you from aeons and are happy to be free to be yourself unfettered and clear then Bars are for you. Simply lie down on my massage table and I will place my hands on each of the 32 Bars points on your head activating them to discharge all the stored up memories blocking your energy and happiness. Afterwards you will have shifted a whole load of stuff and feel lighter and more yourself than ever before. An easy way to clear out what limits you and your body from ease joy and glory !!!!
If you would like to book a session with me, you may call or sms text my Mobile 0411798393 or call 03 8609 1645, or send an email to treasures@rainbowhealings.com[please call or text to see if there is any availibility if you want to book a session immediately that day]
Access Bars Sessions Costs :
1. A 45 Min Bars Session (Cash Only in person) – $45
2. A 90 Min Full Bars Session $90
3. A 45 min Access Bars Mini Session and a 45 min Reading $120
4. A 45 min Access Bars Mini Session and a 45 min Soul Energy Healing $120
5. A 90 Min Full Bars Session and a 45 Min Reading – $160
6. A 90 Min Full Bars Session and a 45 Min Soul Energy Healing – $160
Payments for Access Bars Sessions : Cash Only In person Sessions Or Prepay. Payment for your Bars sessions are cash in person at the time of your Session. However if you wish to *Pre-Pay your Access Bars session* simply click the Prepay link below.
Then either call, sms or email to arrange a convenient time for your session. To check my availability for sessions please go to the Bookings Payment page and view my Calendar which I update frequently.
PLEASE READ: if you do need to cancel an appointment you have made to have an Access Bars session with Erika L Soul for any reason then to make another booking for a Bars session you will need to pay in advance to make a booking for another appointment for an Access Bars session.
This process is for everyone, Adults, Children, Elderly and Pets. Access Bars is a form of gentle hands on energy work developed more than 25 years ago by the founder of Access Consciousness Gary Douglas.
“Access is a set of tools and prosesses that are designed to facilitate more consciousness for everyone. Consciousness includes everything without judgement. It is the willingness and capacity to be totally aware, totally present in all areas of your life. Consciousness is the ability to continually awaken to more possibility, more choice and more life.”
“All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory!”
What is Access Bars?
‘BARS’ on our head represent specific life areas: money, sexuality, creativity, control, body, ageing, joy etc. These BARS are energised by gentle hands on energy work to release old thought patterns to reveal a refreshing new concept of life.
We all have 32 points on the head, known in access consciousness as the “BARS”. Each Bar represents a specific life area: money, sexuality, creativity, control, body, ageing, sadness, joy and more. (see picture below)
The simple, non-invasive, energy technique known as “running the Bars” involves the Bars Practitioner lightly touching each of the 32 bars points on the client’s head, energizing certain points or Bars which activate stored information.
These Bars points can be thought of similarly to acupressure points on the head that heal the physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Bars is also considered to be like Reflexology, except instead of working on feet we work on your head and where reflexology works on parts of your body, the Bars works on areas of your life.
The process of running the Bars look like what some may call “laying on of hands.” It is as simple as putting your hands on the body and asking the particular energy that body requires to “turn on.”
Working with energy in access is a doingness, it’s an unlocking. We’re unlocking stuck energies by allowing the energy to flow how needed…. in or out.
Sometimes the flow of energy flows back to the practitioner from the client, this means the “stuck” energy is being unlocked. The practitioner then lets the excess energy flow out through the top of their head. Sometimess the energy flows from the practitioner to the client, and this means the client needs the energy to change something in their body.
The body’s own intelligence knows what the body needs. The idea is quite simply to let the energy flow. Bars is simple yet powerful and effective and is an amazing tool for consciousness shifting and raising.
Our brains store electrical energy. All of our thoughts, feelings and emotions have an electrical component and when we decide that something is significant, important or should be held onto, we store it in our brain – like a giant computer programmed with a lifetime of considerations, all stuck inside.
The judgements, attitudes, decisions and limiting beliefs that energetically keep our mind stuck and we are unable to progress, limit our capacity to generate new ideas with ease and joy in your life.
Trying to communicate with someone who has their mind stuck or set on their own preconceived notions and ideas can be very difficult. This situation can make us feel as though we’re trying to get through a barrier, this is because these people have created their own energetic barrier.
Every time someone takes a point of view or makes a judgment, or reacts to something another is doing or saying or agrees to believe in a certain reality another barrier is created.
Running the Bars by gently touching the bars points on the head, dissipates the electromagnetic charge holding these emotions and releases our accumulated judgements, attitudes, decisions and limiting beliefs that we’ve stored over our lifetime.
The process of running your Bars is like deleting old files from your computer.
After receiving a BARS session people may have more of a sense of peace and feelings of more possibilities opening up for them in their life. Every BARS session is different, even if you have the same person run your Bars each time, each session accesses and clears different areas within your life and body.
There is no standard time for Running Bars. The Practitioner follows the energy and delivers only what you are happy to receive.The average session, where all the points are run, is about 90 minutes however Bars can be done in as little as 20 minutes if you only want to work on one or two areas. Children’s Bars tend to run faster than adults as they usually have less resistance to receiving.
This incredibly dynamic process will not only leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed as if you have had a deep restful sleep or a fantastic massage, it can also change your life.
Results often seen or experienced from a BARS session include:
*Releases the blocks caused by the build up of emotions and stuck beliefs
*Relieves exhaustion and energises your body
*Allows more energy to be available and flow through you
*Relieves the tension in both mind and body
*Creates a lasting feeling of peace and well-being
*Calms and quiets the mind
*Have an increased perception and intuition
*Access your natural state of happiness more and more
*Relieves stress and anxiety
*Feel better, clearer and more open with every session
*Are more sensitive to the world around them and aware
*Life improving and getting better and better everyday
*MORE perception and intuition
*Negative issues becoming less and less of a problem
You can ask about anything during your BARS session or what you are experiencing going on and any memories coming up and we can run some Access clearing process on these.
Be aware that after a Bars session you may feel need for water, salt, sugar or energy. This is normal, as you are discharging the electrical synapses in the brain, as sugar, salt and water are electrical conductors they may need replenishing.
How many sessions you have is up to you. When you feel the desire to have your BARS run or just feel stuck or unhappy, or overwhelmed or just want to unwind and let go and relax then a Bars session is very helpful in clearing out all the accumulated data you can’t let go of.
When you feel like you would like your life to really flow better and to be in harmony with you and others around you then a Bars session can assist you to be the harmony you wish to be.
All around the world in over 25 countries people are having their Bars run. Since Gary Douglas early beginnings in California, where he first introduced the Bars, thousands of people have already enjoyed this amazing body process. With hundreds of licensed practitioners and facilitators world-wide, offering private sessions, ‘gifting and receiving gatherings’ and courses where people learn the Bars for themselves, it’s no wonder that Access Bars is growing fast.
If you would like to know more about Access Consciousness and Bars on the Access website please CLICK HERE
Again, if you wish to pre book and Pay for your Bars session
To prepay and book a Bars session with me simply click my
Then call sms or email me, to arrange a convenient time for your session. (phone and email details are at the bottom of this page)
My shopping cart payments work through Paypal,and you can pay via your own paypal account or just do a credit card payment via paypal without an account.
Hi Michelle here!!!
Mind Body Soul tickets for tomorrow to come and see you!
thanks M