♥♦♠ Money Miracles Page ♥♦♠
Here on this Money Miracles page is a lot that I offer and facilitate connected to Money, some of these are elsewhere on my website and a lot is Healing work I create and share online. I have wonderful money and finances Most Benevolent Outcomes, Money Healing Audios, Money Attunement SRC program, Money Activations, Dowsing Divine Money Flows protocol, Money Vortex dowsing protocol and lots more !!! So here it will all be one page for you to access easily and I will add these items over time as I can. Thankyou, Erika L Soul.
Erika L Soul’s Facebook Group Links
Soul Energy Healing – Erika L Soul Facebook Group
Wonderful Benevolent Outcomes Facebook group
Divine Benevolent Outcomes Group
My Audio Recordings Playlist on Soundcloud for Financial Prosperity
< GROUP Money Attunement 21 Days SRC Cocktail >
Increase your Peace Prosperity Wealth Abundance Love and SELF ESTEEM.This is a GROUP Money Attunement SRC cocktail, that is run monthly and begins on the 1st of every Month and continuing for 21 DAYS .
To be included in this you need to purchase a ticket for this thru my shopping cart, which is $15 for one month. If paying for 2 or more months at the same time, then both your 1st month and subsequent months are $10 per month. If paying separately for each month, then this needs to be completed before the 1st of the next month, to ensure you are signed up before the next months 21 day cycle begins.
If you experience shifts and financial blessings over the 21 days then see if you want to be in the next one as some people find it beneficial to do another cycle to clear more money blocks and increase their prosperity.
Some people in previous months have found as soon as they bought a ticket they experienced financial blessings and prosperity before it had even started !! This is a very powerful Money Attunement so please check in with your inner guidance if it is for you to receive this ok thank you.
What’s Included in this Cocktail
CLEAR BLOCKS TO MONEY SUCCESS ABUNDANCE Work Career and Income Increasing your Financial Prosperity Success in any Endeavour. Increasing your Business Prosperity Peace Prosperity Wealth Abundance Love and high SELF ESTEEM Creating MONEY Wealth Abundance Business Attunement Clearing the Energy of your Business Purging old Money issues Aligning you to the Energy of Money Clearing fear and worry over Money Clearing family and ancestral issues with Money Clearing old negative energetic patterns with MONEY Attract more Clients Transforming your Old relationship with Money Create a new Relationship with MONEY Money attunement
BOOK a GROUP – Money Atunement SRC
< GROUP Money Atunement SRC & Prosperity Gold Coin Bundle >
Buy these 2 Great products together and have the Prosperity Gold Coin to hold and have physically and the Money Attunement SRC working with you energetically via my SRC4U program. This Bundle includes the The Group Money Atunement SRC described above and a Prosperity Gold Coin described HERE . The bundle includes 2 months of the Money Atunement SRC which is an extra month for free. Click the link below to find out all about this bundle.
BOOK a GROUP Money Atunement SRC AND Prosperity Gold Coin Bundle
This real money coin is energetically imprinted with the Spirit of Prosperity, Abundance and Wealth. It is a Lucky Money Coin and a Magnet for Money designed to attract Money, lucky opportunities, financial blessings, Work, and more prosperity and wealth into your life. It is a Divine Money Miracles manifestor ! It is drawing in the energy of Abundance, increasing the flow of abundance and increasing the amount you are allowing yourself to receive.

Here I am on the Wellness Show with Tyhson Banighen and I talk about the Prosperity Gold Coin and my Divine Money Flows protocol, during this video enjoy alot of energy clearing and super money blessings you can receive just by watching it.Here is a link for the Divine Money Flows Word doc file which I ask that you use only for yourself personally thankyou and keep it as it is if you do share it to someone else. This is my property and I ask that you respect this Gift thankyou. Please only share online if you have my permission thankyou.Click here to view and save it>>> DIVINE MONEY FLOWS PublicSharingVersion
As you read this Unexpected Income Prayer ★ OUTLOUD every single day see what happens for you in your daily life !!!! As you receive Unexpected Income over and above what you normally receive then you could say it daily and weekly, and then see how much increased money has been flowing in for you. Affirm this prayer every morning and evening. As you say this Prayer feel God’s good embracing you. This Unexpected Income Prayer is utilised as a Prosperity Treatment program run by the Unity Church people.
Here is a Soul Energy Healing Audio Session I have facilitated and uploaded to Soundcloud focusing on this Unexpected Income Prayer.
I Am prosperous and I am open and receptive to God’s limitless Flow Of Abundance.
The walls of lack and delay now crumble away, and I enter my Promised Land, under Grace.
From The Light of God that I Am.
From The Love of God that I Am.
From The Power of God that I Am.
From The Heart of God that I Am.
I Decree:
I dwell in the midst of Infinite Abundance.
The Abundance of God Is My Infinite Source.
The River of Life Never stops flowing.
It flows through me into Lavish expression. Good comes to me through Unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways To bless me.
I now open my mind to receive my good.
Nothing is too good to be True.
Nothing is too wonderful to have happen.
With God as my Source, Nothing amazes me.
I Am not burdened by thoughts of past or future.
One is gone.The Other is yet to come.
By the power of my belief,
Coupled with my purposeful fearless Actions
And my deep rapport with God,
My future is created and
My Abundance made manifest.
I ask and accept that I am lifted in this And every moment into Higher Truth.
My mind is quiet.
From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life
And Life gives back to me with magnificent increase.
Blessings come in Expected and unexpected ways.
God provides for me in wondrous ways.
I Am indeed grateful.
And I let It be so
thank you God.
My Cash Flow Recording on Soundcloud
Here is the link to my Cash Flow recording on soundcloud.com. You can listen to the recording or download it from the sound cloud website. You can either click the link below or the image on the left to go to soundcloud (both will open a new window)
Dowsing Faith in an All Sufficiency of Supply
If your faith is in all-sufficiency of supply, then so is your life. If your faith is pulsating to a “just getting by” frequency, then so it is in the world. If your faith is on the dial-set of insufficiency, then there will never be enough to meet your needs. Your world simply reflects your faith.– John Randolph Price, The Abundance Book
This chart can be used to measure your dial set range and to help you get into an all sufficiency range. You can either dowse with this chart or muscle test or any method you like !!!
Dowsing Money Vortex
This is a Energy Money Vortex Attunement. It’s a Money Experiment and it’s ★ JUST FOR FUN !! ★
★ So if you know how to dowse then simply spin your pendulum dowsing each item as you go, if not then simply state each one outloud. ★
:★: All of this Money Vortex Attunement is being facilitated for our best & highest good to the level we can receive and stay balanced with. Thankyou, Thy Will be Done :★: Let’s dowse all that’s stopping us from being 100% clear with regards to MONEY : clear, free, open and allowing of receiving and having plenty of money !!!! Lets now dowse ourselves to 100% Clear right now…
:★: Let’s dowse all that resistance, fear and doubt we have to having plenty of MONEY to Zero.
:★: Let’s dowse all that stuff with money that we took on from others, neutralise and then transmute it ALL into Prosperity and Freedom..
:★: Let’s dowse all discordant Energy blocks to being the Energy of Money Wealth and Prosperity we have to zero, void.
:★: Let’s now attune ourselves to the Source of True Wealth that exists within us.
:★: Let’s bring each person into the Energy and Vibration of Money, Wealth and Prosperity.
:★: Let’s create a Money Vortex Attuning us into the Energy and frequency of Money Wealth and Abundance.
:★: Let’s raise the Level of Prosperity in ourselves, our home and family.
:★: Let’s now bring in Joy, Love, Peace, Ease, and Freedom with MONEY
:★: Let’s dowse anything else that requires dowsing to zero for us to be vibrationally compatible and attuned into our Money Vortex completely.
:★: Let’s dowse all of this to continue Attuning us more and more into our vibrational Money Vortex, increasing our level of Prosperity consciousness each day, each moment, each hour.
Group Super Abundance Energy Activation
This new Special Energy Healing Moment is on Abundance. Having an Abundance of Energy, Abundance of Time, Abundance of Love, Abundance of Money, Abundance of Everything you Require, Abundance of Prosperity, Abundance of Happiness, Abundance of Opportunities, Abundance of Support, Abundance of Positive Loving Energy, Abundance of Good health, and Living your Life Abundantly.
So right now lets bring in this SUPER ABUNDANCE ACTIVATION with an Energy Healing Transmission that is going to attune you to the energetic frequency of Abundance, of always having whatever you need whenever you need it, dissolving all lack beliefs and limitations and this Process to be ongoing until you are are dwellling in the Consciousness of Abundance 100 percent. To receive this Activation for Abundance right now be quiet, still your mind, open your consciousness and body and being to this Super Abundance Activation coming in for you.
The Energy is being downloaded as you read this and Attuning you into the Consciousness of Abundance in all aspects and areas of your life, Trusting and having Faith in an all Sufficiency of Supply at all times, being open to receiving Abundance, feeling worthy of Abundance, allowing you to dance to the Energy of Abundance and living your life more Abundantly.
This Super Abundance Activation will be validated for you by your receiving of a special physical item with the name ABUNDANCE on it, and this is confirming you are being attuned to Abundance now and this is for real !!!!!!
To receive this Activation simply read the above wording and choose to receive it now. You can repeat this at anytime as it will simply go deeper and be anchored within you at higher levels.
If you wish you can use this statement of your intent and acceptance of this Activation; I [insert your name here} am receiving this Super Abundance Activation now and am commiting to the Energy and Frequency of Abundance in my life and dancing to the Energy of Abundance. I allow this Activation in fully and join in with my full consent, thankyou I receive in Grace and Gratitude now.
MONEY ACTIVATION Most Benevolent Outcome – Download
This is a Word Document you can download by Right clicking the link below. It contains a Most Benevolent Outcome – MBO for a Money Activation. You can read all about MBO’s on my MBO page here (opens a new window)
Right Click this Link then select “save link as” to download the Money Activation MBO.doc file
Removing a Money Allergy – Download
This is a Word Document you can download by Right clicking the link below. It contains a Dowsing protocol for removing a money allergy.
Right Click this Link then select “save link as” to download the Removing a Money Allergy.doc file
Daily Dowsing List.doc – Download
This is a Word Document you can download by Right clicking the link below. It contains a Daily Dowsing list of things to dowse you can dowse each day.
Right Click this Link then select “save link as” to download the Daily Dowsing List.doc file