Qigong Healing Sessions

   QIGONG SRC4U Healing Sessions    

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What is the Qigong Energy Enhancer Program?  For centuries Qi Gong has been known to enhance relaxation, stress reduction and exercise programs. The literal translation of Qi Gong: “life energy cultivation”. Sounds good! Today we can enhance the effects of Qi Gong using 21st Century Technology. It’s called a “Qigong Energy Enhancer Program” You can find all the details of the program at their website here

The Qigong Energy Enhancer program comes in a number of versions. The Basic, The Premium 4, The Professional and The Mastery Edition.

I have recently upgraded from the Professional to the Mastery Edition which also includes the Premium 4 and the Professional version. The Mastery version offers additional Tools and features over the Professional version. These are listed below.

SRC4U EBody4U Tool  Whether your fitness level is a zero or a ten, EBody4You can enhance your fitness level thru energetic enhancement.

M.A.C.H.1 Tool This is a Martial Arts enhancement program. It give your body the beneficial effects of what a Martial Arts practioner has. It does this energetically without the Physical exertion.

SRC4U ShE motion Tool There are numerous stresses and emotional energy drains that are unique and specific to women. That’s why Sh-E-motion was designed for women by women. Just a few keystrokes and emotions are balanced through stress reduction.

      A Daily Re-Evaluator Tool (selects what tools are needed on a DAILY basis to address your  issues) 

I have created TWO Specific Services that use the additional functions of the Mastery Edition of the Qigong Energy Enhancer Program. They are listed further down the page.

The Mastery Edition Premium 4 “Qigong SRC4U Energy Enhancer Program” works in 3 different Methods 

See the details of the three methods below:



1. Mastery Edition Method 1:

Thru “Cocktail Files”


In this case the SRC4U Qigong Energy Enhancer Program creates what is called a Cocktail file of all your issues and the modalities and therapies used to address your issues.  Each time the Qigong Energy Enhancer Program runs, it determines what energies are needed and are transmitted to the person. This ensures  your treatment is always relevant to your state of health at the time it runs.  

SoulErika has created 11 or more different Qigong SRC4U cocktails addressing many areas of your life, that you can sign up for here on our website. These are briefly described below, and a link is provided to the shopping cart where you will find the complete description of each service being offered. For a Personal Cocktail, one can be created just for your needs. 

Any more questions simply email Erika treasures@rainbowhealings.com  

Below is a picture of the current Mastery Edition SRC4U software program . Capture









CLICK HERE TO GOTO THE LIST OF Erika’s Qigong Cocktail Sessions.




2. Mastery Edition Method 2:

  Thru SRC4U “Pro Tools


The SRC4U Qigong Energy Enhancer also has 19 Inbuilt Pro Tools. Here is the name of each of these tools:  Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustenance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior has 5 Tools including Gods Court, Spiritual Dispenser, Perverse Energy Reversal, Drink from God.

Below is a picture of the main Pro Tools window.

Erika has created a way you can use the Qigong Pro Tools. As a intuitively selected set of these pro tools for the issue(s) you wish to address.  Click the link below to see all the info below.

CLICK HERE to go to the info on the SRC4U Qigong Pro Tools Session


CLICK HERE to go to the Explanation of EACH SRC4U Qigong Pro Tool 




3. Mastery Edition Method 3:

Thru “Cocktail files” , “Pro Tools” and  “Mastery Edition Tools” 


The Mastery edition as mentioned above has the additional tools: eBodyShemotionM.A.C,H.1, and the Re-evaluator Tool.  These are in addition to The Cocktails it runs, and the Pro Tools as well.Keep in mind that the Re-evaluator tool adjusts what needs to be run Every Day throughout the month, when the Mastery Edition is run in this mode.

As mentioned I have created TWO services, when running the Mastery Edition in this mode. The 1st is an Individual Mastery Edition Healing Program, and the 2nd is a  Family Group Mastery Edition Healing Program for up to 5 family members.


CLICK HERE to go to these rwo programs




   SRC “Mastery Tool”, “Cocktail”, and “Pro Tools” Healing Sessions    

Quick Links to My Healing Sessions

Multiple 2-6 Group SRC Signup $20-50/mth

Monthly Group Two 21 Days SRC Program package $20/mth

Individual Mastery SRC Healing Program $60/21 Days

Group Family of 6 Mastery Edition $150/mth for 6 people. $25/person

Group Hooponopono Cleansing Memories $10/mth for 2 mths or more

Group MASTERY Level 21 Days $100/mth for 5 people. $20/person

Group 21 Days Healing Spa $10/mth for 2 or more mths

Group SuperBack/Whole Body Healing $10/mth for 2 or more mths

Group 21 Days  Money Prosperity $10/mth for 2 or more mths

Group Brain Balance $10/mth for 2 or more mths

Group Health and Healing $10/mth for 2 or more mths

Group Youthening, Longevity, Weight, Pain, Inflammation SRC $10/Mth

Prosperity Gold Coin AND 21 Dats Money Prosperity SRC  Bundle $120

Individual Hooponopono Cleaning SRC $45/mth

Individual Personalised Healing SRC $45/mth

Individual Specific Purpose Healing SRC $45/mth

Individual Money Prosperity SRC $45/mth

Individual Business Money Prosperity SRC $45/mth

Individual Personalised MANIFESTING MIRACLES SRC $45/mth

Individual House/Building/Place Clearing/Charging SRC $45/mth

SRC ProTools – Multiple Tools  Session $60/session

SRC ProTools – Single Tool  Session $25/Session

SRC ProTools – 4 Tools  Session $40/Session

SRC ProTools – Extended Time Issue Solver Tool Session $40/Session

SRC ProTools – Extended Time Dispenser Tool  Session $40/Session

Issue Solver/Shen Tools Combo Session

Description of each of the 19 Pro Tools




< Multiple 2-6 Group SRC Signup >  top

This Multiple 2-6 Group SRC Signup program is the 6 main Group Qigong SRC4U Cocktails that I offer. They have now all been made available, to be signed up for, in the one place! You can sign up for 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of these SRC’s, from the the list below. The cost starts from $20/month for 2 SRC’s of your choice. If you sign up for all 6 SRC’s, the cost is $50/month. That’s a HUGE $40 discount on signing up for each SRC individually, at $15/month.The SAME 6 SRC’s, Signed up for individually,at $15/mth costs $90 (6 x $15).

Sign up here, for the SAME 6 SRCs for 1 Month and get a $40 discount!!!

These SRC4U Cocktails are run frequently throughout the month, with all those signed up on board, receiving all the Energy Enhancements and Corrections, to address anything you have requiring balancing. Each Group cocktail is full of individual cocktails, creating one main focussed Theme. I.E the Brain balance cocktail contains  my Brain Balance Dowsing Protocol, Bach Flower Remedies and Brain Health cocktails. You may sign up from one month up to six months.  The SRCs available to sign up for are shown below.

1. 21 days Money Prosperity Blessings SRC4U Qigong Cocktail for  month. [value $15 ] Click HERE for more Info.

2. Ho’oponopono Healing SRC4U Qigong Cocktail for 1 month.[value $15] Click HERE for more Info.

3. 21 Days Energy Healing Spa SRC4U Qigong Cocktail  [Value $15]  Click HERE for more Info.

4. Brain Balance Healing SRC4U Qigong Cocktail [ value $15] Click HERE for more Info.

5. Group Health and Wellness SRC4U Qigong Cocktail [ value $15] 

6. Youthening, Longevity, Weight, pain, Inflammation SRC [Value $15]

 The total cost to you for the Multiple Group SRC Signupe is from $20-$50 per month, IE for 2 to 6 SRCs, a $10 discount for purchasing all 6 SRCs

The Brain Balance Qigong Cocktail brings healing and balance to both hemispheres of the brain, enabling you to function with greater mental clarity.  More info on the Brain Balance Qigong Cocktail, is available  HERE. (will open in a new window)

.BOOK Multiple 2-6 Group SRC Signup package



< Monthly Group Two 21Days SRC Program package >  top

This Monthly Group Two 21 Days SRC program package is the 2 main Group Qigong Cocktails that normally cost $15 each per month. These two Cocktails are run frequently throughout the month, with all those signed up on board, receiving all the Energy Enhancements and Corrections, to address anything you have requiring balancing. Each Group cocktail is full of individual cocktails, creating one main focused Theme. 1. Inclusion in the 21 days Money Prosperity Blessings SRC4U Qigong Cocktail for 1 month. [value $15 ] Click HERE for more Info.

2. Inclusion in the 21 Days Energy Healing Spa SRC4U Qigong Cocktail for 1 month. [ value $15] Click HERE for more Info.

The cost for the Monthly Group Two 21 Days SRC Program package is $20 per month

BOOK Monthly Group Two 21 Days SRC Program package



My TWO MASTERY Level Sessions  

< INDIVIDUAL MASTERY SRC Healing Program >  top

The cost is $45 for 14 Days, $60 for 21 Days and $90 for a whole monthn.  ‘

  This IProgram includes all the Mastery Edition tools below,  regardless of the length of time you choose to run the program for. Note that this Mastery program re-evaluates DAILY what tools are required to be run from all the tools below, so that every day for the Duration of your session you receive exactly what you need for your healing/issues.  T

 With this Individual Mastery SRC Healing program, you are getting a  SRC cocktail (value of $40) selected for you. As well you are receiving the SRC4U Pro Tools. In addition you also receive the SRC4U ShEmotion Tool, the SRC4U M.A.C.H.1 Tool and the SRC4U Ebody Tool. The  value of the personalised SRC4Uand the SRC4U Pro Tools is beyond price.

All 19 SRC4U Pro Tools which are: Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustenance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior. An image and brief description for each of these tools are shown HERE.

SRC4U EBody4U Tool  Whether your fitness level is a zero or a ten, EBody4You can enhance your fitness level thru energetic enhancement.

M.A.C.H.1 Tool This is a Martial Arts enhancement program. It give your body the beneficial effects of what a Martial Arts practioner has. It does this energetically without the Physical exertion.

SRC4U ShE motion Tool There are numerous stresses and emotional energy drains that are unique and specific to women. That’s why Sh-E-motion was designed for women by women. Just a few keystrokes and emotions are balanced through stress reduction.

SRC4U Cocktail Tool  A personalised SRC4U Qigong Cocktail will be created for you based on the issues you want addressed. 

BOOK an Individual Mastery SRC  Healing Program 


< Family Group Mastery Edition Qigong Healing Program >  top

This Family Group Mastery Edition Program, runs each day for a month. Also you can have up to 5 of your immediate family members included. Immediate family means parents and children (children below 16 or adult children).
PLEASE NOTE:  It is essential to read the following 2 paragraphs, before signing up for this service. Thank you.
It is required to get the agreement of any family member, if they are OVER 16 years of age.
I will be checking on each persons name, if it is a yes to include them or not, and how beneficial it would be for them. I will let you know if I get a NO, for any member of the family to NOT be included.
You can choose from a list of predefined Cocktails OR a Custom Cocktail made just for your family.
This Family Group Mastery Edition Qigong Healing program includes all the Energy Healing ProTools listed below. Note that this Mastery Edition program, Re-evaluates DAILY what is required to be run, from all the tools below, so every day each of your Family members receive what they require from all of the Pro Tools, Energy Healing tools and the SRC4U cocktail running thru the month.
With this Family Group Mastery Edition program your Entire Family are getting the benefit of a Personalised SRC cocktail (value of $40) created for the family unit. As well they are receiving a month of SRC4U Pro Tools (value $30). In addition the family  also receive the SRC4U ShEmotion Tool, the SRC4U M.A.C.H.1 Tool and the SRC4U Ebody Tool. The  value of the personalised SRC4U and the SRC4U Pro Tools alone is $70, without including any of the other tools. The prices mentioned are to run all the tools mentioned for ONE Person. This Family Group Mastery Edition is for up to 5 family members.  The cost for this program is $150. 
All the Tools Your Family will Receive
All 19 SRC4U Pro Tools which are: Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustenance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior. An image and brief description Each of these tools are shown HERE.
SRC4U EBody4U Tool Whether your fitness level is a zero or a ten, EBody4You can enhance your fitness level thru energetic enhancement.
M.A.C.H.1 Tool  This is a Martial Arts enhancement program. It give your body the beneficial effects of what a Martial Arts practioner has. It does this energetically without the Physical exertion.
SRC4U ShE motion Tool There are numerous stresses and emotional energy drains that are unique and specific to women. That’s why Sh-E-motion was designed for women by women. Just a few keystrokes and emotions are balanced through stress reduction.
SRC4U Cocktail Tool  A Qigong Cocktail will be included that you select from a list OR a Custom made one for your family to address the issues you resolved.
The cost for this program is $150 per Month.

Also there are limited spaces available each month, due to the number of clients I have. To see if places are available, click the booking link below, and see the avaiability  Thank you.



< HO’OPONOPONO Group Cleansing memories SRC > top

This HO’OPONOPONO Group Cleansing Memories Cocktail runs for a Full month from the date you sign up for it, IT IS RUN FOR ALL THOSE SIGNED UP FOR IT IN ONE COCKTAIL. It is not an individual personalised energy healing cocktail.

Everytime this LOVE EXPRESS runs you will be receiving all the Ho’oponopono Cleansing energies, prayers, phrases, cleaning processes and more that is in this Qigong cocktail ! It is a very spiritually cleansing purifying and healing Qigong cocktail. So enjoy the cleaning and love we have in this Ho’oponopono Qigong Cocktail as I have put into it all the Cleaning tools I know of and more besides!

To find out all about what the Ho’oponopono healing modality is all about, go to my What is Ho’oponopono page and my Ho’oponopono Resources page

Please select  ONE issue or problem that you want to be cleaned on in this Cleansing Memories Qigong Cocktail. 

CONTRIBUTIONS: Cost is $15 for 1 month. If signing up for 2 or more months, the cost is $10/mth, A $5 discount on the 1st month. You can sign up for up  to 6 months in advance.

BOOK A Ho’oponopono Cleansing Memories QIGONG Cocktail 


< GROUP MASTERY LEVEL  21 Days Energy Healing SPA SRC >  top

Become a part of a group of FIVE (minimum) or more people to receive the energies of this  Group Mastery Level 21 DAYS ENERGY HEALING SPA program and receive all its benefits.

INFO on this program

This Group Mastery Level 21 Days Healing SPA program includes all the tools in the Mastery Edition of the SRC4U Software program. This Mastery Edition program, Re-evaluates DAILY what is required to be run, from all the tools, so every day you receive exactly what you need for your healing, throughout the whole 21 Day program.

Also included is an SRC cocktail I have chosen. I have set up themes for all symptons, conditions, emotions etc an extensive list.  Get set for this huge upgrade, as this works everyday doing corrections and energy work for all names entered.

This program starts on the 1st of each month,  and runs until the 21st of each month.

The following SRC4YOU TOOLs are what are used in the 21 Days Mastery Level Healing Program:

All 19 SRC4U Pro Tools: Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustenance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior.

SRC4U EBody4U : Whether your fitness level is a zero or a ten, EBody4You can enhance your fitness level thru energetic enhancement.

M.A.C.H1 : This is a Martial Arts enhancement program. It give your body the beneficial effects of what a Martial Arts practitioner has. It does this energetically without the Physical exertion.

ShE Motion: There are numerous stresses and emotional energy drains that are unique and specific to women. That’s why Sh-E-motion was designed for women by women. Just a few keystrokes and emotions are balanced through stress reduction.

SRC4U Premium: This is a SRC cocktail full of specifically selected protocols that complement the whole Mastery theme and program

The  cost of this  Group Mastery Level 21 Days Energy Healing SPA Program starts at a  minimum  of $20/person, with a minimum of 5 people requured, for the program to run each month. Each person can sign up from 1 to 3 months in advance. Up to 6 people can sign up at once.

NOTE: This program WILL NOT RUN IF,   less than 5 people sign up for it.

For those 4 or less people who have already signed up for it, they will receive 2 months in the regular 21 Days Healing spa program instead. I will email you if this occurs.




< GROUP 21 Days Energy Healing Spa SRC >  top

This is a Group Healing program that contain all the benifits listed below. It cost $15 for 1 month or  $10/Month, if signing up for 2 or more months.

Info on whats included in this Program .

★ Raising your SELF ESTEEM ★ Clearing ILL effects of mass consciousness ★ Rebooting your brain, DNA activations, DNA Healings ★ Clearing ill effects of geopathic stress ★ Clearing and Removing Negative Energy★  Neutralising & Clearing negative energies, negative thoughts forms and programs ★ Clearing of negative entities & negative spiritual influences ★ ★ Healing and balancing your Energy ★ ENHANCING your WELLBEING★  CLEARING UNWANTED ENERGIES ★ HOUSE ENERGY CLEARINGS ★  Raising your Energy and Lifeforce ★ General Wellbeing and Increasing your Vitality★  Shell Essences ★ Bach flower remedies ★ Align Harmonise and Balance SRC★  Energetic transmission, Purification and Cord cutting★  Increasing PROSPERITY & WEALTH ★ Healing your FINANCES★  Transform YOUR LIFE SRC ★ Healing childhood and parent issues★ ★ A special Gift from the Divine★  CREATING ABUNDANCE ★CREATING HEALING★  Daily Divine Blessings ★ Divine Miracles★ Transmuting Fear Panic and Anxiety★  Energy Clearing & HEALING ★ Burdens Lifted★ Blocks shifted ★ Healing on all levels ★ Spiritual Awakenings★  Shifting old stuck negative energetic patterns ★ MORE FREEDOM ★ ★ Shifting and Raising your Frequency and Vibrations ★  Attract Prosperity ★Attract Wealth★  Manifest Miracles & Live the Life of your Dreams★  Spiritual Awakenings and Spiritual Growth★  SELF EMPOWERMENT★ SELF Forgiveness★ SELF LOVE ★ ★ RAISING YOUR ENERGETIC FREQUENCY ★ INCREASING YOUR HAPPINESS ★ ★ HEALING RELATIONSHIPS ★ EMOTIONAL HEALING ★ EMOTIONAL BALANCE★  HAPPIER LOVE LIFE ★ A HAPPIER & HEALTHIER YOU★ ★ BEING FREE TO BE YOUR TRUE SELF★ PERSONAL & LIFE TRANSFORMATION ♥~✧ॐ♥~✧ॐ♥~✧ॐ♥~✧ॐ♥~✧ॐ♥~✧ॐ♥

: ♥  You can consciously assist this Energy Healing  to work for you by being aware that you are receiving it each day !★This Healing program will work with you individually so just know and trust and allow this to occur for you as the Divine does what is perfect and right for you each day, so slow or big improvements will happen as it is best for you and your state of consciousness, so you stay balanced and in harmony. If you are open positive and trusting of this Daily Energy Healing program Erika L Soul is facilitating that will assist you in receiving great benefit. Each day for 21 days starting on the first day of the month, Erika runs a specially created Qigong cocktail for this. This whole program is about shifting and raising your energetic frequency to a higher level of consciousness. Purifying your consciousness of old baggage that is holding you back from all that you want to do be or have !!! !!☆´¯`•.¸

BOOK a GROUP  21 Days Healing SPA SRC program



< Super Back/Whole Body Healing Quigong Cocktail >  top

This is a Group Super Back Healing SRC4U of specific Back healing SRC4U protocols.
It is a potent Back Healing recipe and is also a whole Body Healing.
This Back Healing SRC4U cocktail includes these SRC4U cocktail protocols:
Pain and inflammation healing cocktail
Back Pain cocktail
Healing Remedies GMD cocktail
Acupoints cocktail
QuiGong Booster cocktail
GMD Master Healing cocktail
Whole Body Healing cocktail
And many more. This is being run frequently on an ongoing basis. Everyones name is included  in the above cocktails when they are run. Even if your back neck shoulders and spine are very healthy, this is also for Healing the whole Body, and addresses a huge list of ailments and health issues. You can sign up for as many months as you want to receive this Back and Health Healing program. The cost is $15 for 1 month. If signing up for 2 or more months, the cost is $10/mth, A $5 discount on the 1st month. You can sign up for up  to 6 months in advance. You receive energetic frequencies as this program runs, correcting and aligning your system to function optimally. If you have your family members consent or another persons consent, you may sign them up to this Healing program also. The cost is the same per person thank you.


BOOK a SUPER Back/Whole Body Healing QIGONG Cocktail


< Group 21 Days Money Prosperity Blessings 4 You SRC >  top

The 21 Days Money Train Express SRC has undergone a powerful transformation into a higher energy frequency and much has been added to take everyone into higher levels of Wealth and Prosperity. It is supercharged super-energised super-enhanced and super blessed !!!!
During the 21 Days Money Prosperity Blessings for YOU, the Journey into Prosperity aboard the
Money Train Express SRC4U, you are receiving all of the SRC4U MONEY PROSPERITY energy enhancements each day energetically aligning you with Prosperity and doing corrections on all that is entered that brings you into being 100% aligned with what you desire financially. It also has a lot of other protocols that enhance your energy, confidance and self worth.
 I facilitate much energy work for the list of names on board to super enhance everyones Prosperity. I may facilitate cordcutting Macro Wealth & Prosperity, money ho’oponopono cleaning, dowsing Money Vortex, Divine Money Flows. Golden Stream of Prosperity Blessings, Blessings of the Prosperity Gold Coin and much more.

THIS is a super potent 21 Days daily MONEY PROSPERITY BLESSINGS ENERGY SRC4U PROGRAM that quantum leap you into increased Money, Prosperity and Abundance, Creating a new financial reality, Clearing old beliefs and limitations to receiving your financial good and experiencing greater financial wellbeing. Each month a new 21 days cycle begins and is even more potent and powerful than our previous months and it keeps increasing exponentially each month.  Over the month you receive this work energetically so there is no direct contact apart from your signing up, this is distance energy healing via a special energy enhancement program. So you may join this if you are inspired to buy a ticket and join this months  MONEY PROSPERITY BLESSINGS~SRC4U program. You can experience increased energy, more prosperity and higher self esteem, more awareness and spiritual growth!!!! 

These 21 Days MONEY PROSPERITY BLESSINGS~SRC4U program will work with each person individually intuiting your needs and the growth rate that is right for you.  This is Energy Enhancement via a special program that I run and you only need to be open to this working with you each day. Old beliefs around money in time shift and transform and a new level of consciousness around money will gradually come about for each person. Each month you are in the  MONEY PROSPERITY BLESSINGS~SRC4U program. Old lack mentalities are dissolving and shifting into a richer Mindset attracting more prosperity abundance and money into your life. Over time you may notice many changes and shifts in your finances and the way you feel and think about money.

 The  MONEY PROSPERITY BLESSINGS~SRC4U program Have been running monthly for a number of years now.  Some people find once they have bought their ticket that things happen immediately as they energetically start to receive it even before it is running.  It does require faith, openness and a willingness to allow this to be possible so your job is to let go of resistance and simply be open to Divine Money Miracles.

What’s Included in this Cocktail

The cost for the 21 days Money Prosperity program is $15 for 1 month. If signing up for 2 or more months, the cost is $10/mth, A $5 discount on the 1st month. You can sign up for up  to 6 months in advance, and if you wish, you can also sign up family or friends, if you have their permission. Many blessing to you.


BOOK a Group 21 days Money Prosperity Blessings 4 You QIGONG Cocktail




< Group Brain Balance Healing Qigong Cocktail >  top

This is a healing SESSION specifically focused on Balancing the Brain. It runs approx 2-3 times a week every month.

The cost for the Brain Balance Healing program is $15 for 1 month. If signing up for 2 or more months, the cost is $10/mth, A $5 discount on the 1st month. You can also sign up for up  to 6 months in advance, and if you wish, you can also sign up family or friends, if you have their permission. Many blessing to you.

Everytime I run this you, and everyone else included in it will be receiving all the Healing Energies of all the many different healing modalities I have included in this Balancing the Brain monthly ongoing session.

What’s Included in this Session

Three additional healing focuses including: BRAIN HEALTH, BRAIN TRAINING and BACH FLOWER REMEDIES.

It also includes:

Heal and Balance the Brain completely. Hydrate the cells in the brain fully. Oxygenate the cells in the Brain fully. Balance the Blood flow to the brain 100%. Balance all Brain chemicals levels. Balance my hormone levels to their ideal levels. Make all electrical activity in my brain in perfect harmony and balance. Balance Blood sugar levels in the body and brain, Put the brain on its ideal brain wave frequency & maintain it at the most beneficial brainwave frequency in each situation each day. Balance both the right and left Brain hemispheres. Brain is switched on. Whole brain integration. Improve Brain functioning to 100%.

Neutralise all ill effects of trauma and stress from any negative thought or emotion or experience on the Brain and body.

Heal the negative charges on all negative thoughts, emotions, memories in each cell in the physical and etheric brain.

Change all negative/non beneficial thought forms in the conscious and subconscious mind into positive beneficial life enhancing thought forms.

Heal any stress and trauma in every cell of the physical and etheric brain. Create a calm clear happy bright positive mind and Brain. Increase recall, memory and organisational abilities. Reboot, repattern my brain and keep it clear and balanced.

Neutralise, balance, transmute any and all ill effects of EMR on the brain and any harmful influence of EMR and electronic devices and change to beneficial energies.

Strengthen the energy of the protective coating of the pathways of the brain and upgrade them to be able to take in the higher vibrations and be attuned to these higher vibrations continuously and all we encounter each day around us.

Clear any and all brain fog and causes of brain fog. Mind and brain functioning in perfect and divine order. Raise the Level of love in brain to 100%. Integrated Brain Activation.

Do all ThetaHealing commands for the brain that are beneficial now.

Cleanse purify transmute all memories and non beneficial energies causing any dysfuntion or disharmony for the mind and brain now, thankyou.

Put the brain and body on their ideal frequencies for overall harmony and balance.

Balance any detrimental or harmful energies of any kind from anywhere affecting the brain and overall brain functioning and bring healing energies needed to balance their etheric and physical brain.

Neutralise any and all ill effects of mass consciousness and any person on the brains health and functioning in any way. Cut any and all cords negatively affecting the wellbeing of the persons brain and mental health.





< Group Health and Wellness Qigong Cocktail >  top

Heath and Wellness SRC4U Cocktail for Energy healing for the immune system, for colds, flu, viruses, respiratory system, EVERY SYSTEM, stomach, bugs and other ailments.

This is a great mix of healing cocktails for addressing health issues. This is running on an ongoing basis to maintain health and wellness and heal anything creating unwellness. This is sent via the SRC4U program and is via distance healing and will work with vibrational corrections, healing frequencies and enhancements for health.

This is not an individual SRC cocktail as many people will be receiving this group energy healing Spa at the same time. The cost for this Group Health and Wellness program is $15 for 1 month. If signing up for 2 or more months, the cost is $10/mth, A $5 discount on the 1st month. You can also sign up for up  to 6 months in advance, and if you wish, you can also sign up family or friends, if you have their permission.

If you wish to have it just for yourself the cost per month is $40 and you would need to pay for an Personalised Individual SRC4U Cocktail and specify the “Health and Wellness SRC” you want in the info box.




< Group Youthening, Longevity, Weight, Pain, Inflammation SRC > top

This GROUP YOUTHENING, LONGEVITY, WEIGHT, PAIN, INFLAMMATION SRC Cocktail includes many SRC protocols for addressing: weight loss , youthful rejuvenation, reverse aging, fat loss, increase strength and fitness, physical healing, well being, body youthening program, pain and inflammation . This is a multi level SRC4U cocktail, you will be receiving nutrients and supplements your body requires for ideal weight, fitness corrections and workouts, restoring youthful energy and vitality, healing any damage to your body it requires, reversing aging, healing causes of weight gain or weight loss, vibrational medicine, and way more. Each person will be receiving what is perfect and right for them at the pace that keeps you in harmony and balance.The Cost of this program is $15 for the 1st month. For 2 or more months, , it is $10/month.

BOOK A Group Youthening, Longevity, Weight, Pain, Inflammation SRC Now





< Prosperity Gold Coin AND 21 Days Money Prosperity SRC Bundle >  top

Buy these 2 Great products together and have the Prosperity Gold Coin to hold and have physically and the 21 Days Money Prosperity Qigong Cocktail working with you energetically via my Qigong Energy Enhancer Program. This Bundle includes the the 21 Days Money Prosperity Cocktail described above and a Prosperity Gold Coin described HERE .  The bundle includes 2 months of the Money Prosperity Cocktail which is an extra month for free. Click the link below to find out all about this bundle.

BOOK a Prosperity Gold Coin AND 21 Days Money Prosperity SRC Bundle




< INDIVIDUAL Ho’oponopono Cleaning Personalised SRC >  top

This is a personalised Ho’oponopono Cleaning Cocktail, created especially for you and the issues you wish to clean on. Your Hooponopono cleaning Cocktail can be themed based eg health, work, money, or relationship etc, or a more specific issue you want to address.

For the “Relationship theme  then select the “relationship” theme when you click thru to the shopping cart. Also enter the names of yourself and the other person in “Relationship names Box” when in the shopping cart This Cocktail will be cleaning on this as its focus for the month, you can include any details of problems and issues you have with this person, in the “Please state your issue” box in the shopping cart.

Please note this is cleaning up what is in the way of harmony and good relations with the person, but it cannot make them do anything or change them, as ho’oponopono is a self healing process so all is cleaned up within you that is creating the problem.

For Health, Work, Money themes You may enter specific aspects of the theme you wish to clean on in the “Please state your issue” box when you click thru to the shopping cart by clcicking the “Book an individual ho’oponopono cleaning personalised Cocktail” link below.

For More Specific Issues Select the “No Theme Thank you ” button in the shopping cart, and just enter your specific issue in the “Please state your issue” box in the shopping cart, and an QIGONG Cocktail will be created that will address your specific issue.

To find out all about what the Ho’oponopono healing modality is all about, go to my What is Ho’oponopono page and my Ho’oponopono Resources page This personalised Ho’oponopono cleaning SRC, that I will create for you, will run frequently each week for a whole month for $45. If you wish you can run it for more than 1 month if you feel the issue(s) you are working on require it.

The minimum time this personalised Cocktail will run for is 1 month. There is also a bonus Cocktail included  that I run for you, if you purchase this service for more than 1 month. Everytime I run this personalised Ho’oponopono cleaning cocktail, you will be receiving all the Ho’oponopono Cleansing Energies, prayers, pules, cleaning tools and more that I will have created to deal with your issue(s).  It is a very spiritually cleansing purifying and healing qigong cocktail.   



< INDIVIDUAL Personalised Healing SRC >  top

This is an Individual Personalised Healing Qigong Cocktail, created especially for you and the Healing issue(s) you wish to work on. This personalised Healing Qigong Cocktail, that I will create for you, will run frequently each week for a whole month for $45. If you wish you can run it for more than 1 month if you feel the Healing issue(s) you are working on require it. The minimum time this Personalised Healing Qigong Cocktail will run for is 1 month.  Everytime I run this Personalised Healing Qigong Cocktail, you will be receiving all the Healing Energies of all the Healing Modalities, that I have icluded in the cocktail, that I will have created to deal with your issue(s). To p[urchase  your own Personalised Healing SRC Cocktail, Click the red link beliw. Thank you.

BOOK an INDIVIDUAL Personalised Healing Qigong Cocktail



< INDIVIDUAL Specific Purpose Healing SRC >  top

This “Individual Specific Purpose Healing SRC” session is delivered by a SRC4U Energy Enhancer Software program. Each of the 36 SRC Cocktails listed below  have been programmed with therapies, modalities and energies needed to fullfill the title of each SRC Cocktails name. 

The Qigong SRC4U Energy Enhancer software program acts as a sending board to send the contents of the selected SRC “Cocktail” file energetically to the person receiving the healing. 

Every time I run this you will be receiving all the Energies of the SRC Cocktail file you have selected. The cost of this “Individual Specific Purpose Healing SRC” Cocktail is $45/Month. It can be run for from 1 to 6 Months duration.

NOTE: There is more Info in the Shopping cart  about this session. Click the RED link underneath  the SRC Cocklist list below.

SRC Cocktail List to choose your SRC Cocktail from



To Purchase this “Individual Specific Purpose Healing SRC”, click the red link below. Thank you

BOOK a INDIVIDUAL Specific Purpose Healing SRC



< INDIVIDUAL 21 Days Money Prosperity SRC >  top

This is a Individual healing Qigong Cocktail specifically focused on Money and Prosperity. It runs DAILY for 21 days.

Everytime I run this you will be receiving all the Healing Energies of all  I have included in this qigong cocktail. This Individual Money Prosperity Qigong Cocktail, that I will create for you, will run for 21 days from the date you purchase it, and It costs $45. 

This Qigong Energy Enhancer  program acts as a sending board to send you healing energies on MONEY and CAREER issues, and sends the energies of the many different healing remedies in this Cocktail.  Each time the program is run it  intuits what you require each time. 

What’s Included in this Cocktail

CLEAR BLOCKS TO MONEY SUCCESS ABUNDANCE, Work Career Finances, Healing your relationship with Money, Energy Clearing for your Business, Business Prosperity, Peace Prosperity Wealth Abundance, Love and high SELF ESTEEM, Creating MONEY Wealth Abundance, Abundance and Unmet Needs Healing, Business Attunement, Purging Old money issues, Aligning you to the energy of money, Clearing fear and worry over money, Clearing family issues with money, Attracting Business Clients and Transforming your relationship with money.

Also as a bonus ,You can include YOUR SPECIFIC MONEY concerns in the My Money Issues box when you click thru to the shopping cart.

BOOK an INDIVIDUAL Money Prosperity Qigong Cocktail


< Individual Business Money Prosperity SRC  >  top

This is a Business MONEY Prosperity SRC Cocktail specifically focused on Money and Prosperity Success to enhance your Business. It runs throughout the month. You can list things that are problems and things you want to manifest or improve for your business. It can be any kind of business you work in.

Every time I run this your Business will be receiving all the Energies of all the many different healing modalities I have included in this Monthly Business Money Prosperity Cocktail. The cost is $45/Month for from 1 to 6 months.

What’s Included in this Business Prosperity Healing SRC Cocktail


Work Career Finances

Healing your relationship with Money

Energy Clearing for your Business

Business Prosperity

Peace Prosperity Wealth Abundance Love and high SELF ESTEEM

Creating MONEY Wealth Abundance

Abundance and Unmet Needs Healing

Business Prosperity Attunement

Purging Old money issues

Aligning you to the energy of money

Clearing fear and worry over money

Clearing family issues with money

Attracting Business and Clients

Transforming your relationship with money

BOOK an Individual  Business MONEY Prosperity SRC Cocktail




< Individual Personalised MANIFESTING MIRACLES SRC > top

This is an Individual healing Qigong Cocktail specifically focused on MANIFESTING MIRACLES in your Life. The cost is $45 to run it a couple of times a week for ONE month. You may also select it to run for up to 2 Additional  months.

Simply choose what you wish to manifest in your life. Whatever you want to do be or have. Enter these details into the My Manifesting Miracles box in the shopping cart. I will then create a personalised Qigong Cocktail to help remove any and all blockages that have been stopping your miracle from manifesting, and to add any supporting energies you need to bring your Miracle to life..

BOOK an individual Personalised MANIFESTING MIRACLES Qigong Cocktail

< Individual House/Building/Place Clearing/Charging SRC >  top
This is a Individual healing Qigong Cocktail specifically focused on Energy Clearing and Healing for a HOUSE / BUILDING / PLACE OR PROPERTY.

The cost is $45, to run it over ONE month.

This qigong Cocktail includes clearing out negativity, entities, raising the energy levels and life force of your home, building or place. Clearing all negative influences from your workplace, building, business, organisation or group.  It will charge the places you want with pure positive energy, once all negative influences have been removed.

Everytime I run this you will be receiving all the Healing Energies of all the many different healing modalities I have included in this Qigong cocktail.

This Qigong Energy Enhancer software program acts as a sending board to send you, healing energies on HOUSE / BUILDING / PLACE CLEARING & CHARGING issues, and sends the energies of the many different healing remedies in this Cocktail to you. Each time the program is run it  intuits what you require each time. 

BOOK a Individual House/Building/Place Clearing & Charging Qigong Cocktail



        Qigong Pro Tools Sessions       


< SRC ProTools – Multiple Tools  Session >


This service gives you a selection of the 19 Pro Tools shown below and listed below, run for you, based on the issue(s) you nominate.

The selected Pro Tools will run for for you throughout an Intuitively selected period that is perfect for you. This can be purchased multiple times. So if you feel you need to have them run more than once you can. Below are the 19 Pro Tools: Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustanance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior.

The cost for this service is $60 per session. 

BOOK THE SRC ProTools – Multiple Tools Session


< SRC ProTools – Single Tool  Session >


With this service you can choose  a Single Pro Tool to address a problem or issue you have. Choose a Pro Tool you want to use from the “Details of each of the 19 Protools” Section at the bottom of this page. 

  If you do choose the  Issue Solver Pro Tool, then you can list 10 items to be worked on for 72 hours session, however, PLEASE  be brief in naming each issue/problem, only a few words.

Also the Yes Therapy Pro Tool works on any issue also. 

If you don’t know which Pro Tool to use for your issue, you can just choose for me to Intuitivelly select a  Pro Tool for you in the shopping cart. Cost is $25 for a SRC ProTools – Single Tool Session. To purchase, click the red  Booking link below and follow the instructions. Any questions simply email me.

BOOK THE SRC ProTools – Single Tool Session


<  SRC ProTools – 4 Tools  Session >


 With this service you can choose  4 Pro Tools to address a problem or issue you have. Choose 4 Pro Tools you want to use from the Descriptions of each Pro Tool in the next section below.

If you do choose the  Issue Solver Pro Tool, then you can list 10 items to be worked on for 72 hours session, however, PLEASE  be brief in naming each issue/problem, only a few words.

Also the Yes Therapy Pro Tool works on any issue also. 

If you don’t know which Pro Tools to use for your issue, you can select Pro Tool for me in the shopping cart. I will then intuitively choose 4 Pro Tool to address your issue. Cost is $40 for a SRC ProTools – 4 Tools Session. To purchase, click the red  Booking link below and follow the instructions. Any questions simply email me.

BOOK THE SRC ProTools – 4 Tools Session


< SRC ProTools – Extended Time Issue Solver Tool Session > top

This service gives you an Extended time Issue Solver Pro Tool session. This is for those Issue Solver sessions that need more time to address, so it will run for an extended period, longer then the usual time for a standard Issue Solver Pro Tool session. The Issue Solver Pro Tool session will run for a extended period that’s perfect for you. You can choose 10 Issues you want to have resolved and they can be 10 separate issues or one issue with all the different problems/aspects of the main issue.

When running Issue Solver for myself personally I keep running Issue Solver until the Issue has resolved, sometimes its immediate and other times it takes a long time or it can be within few weeks. There is no set determined time for an issue to take to resolve, it is very individual. This all works between you and the SRC4U ProTool and your Higher Self and God/The Divine.

The cost for this service is $40. To book, click the link below

BOOK the SRC ProTools – Extended Time Issue Solver Tool Session


< SRC ProTools – Extended Time Dispenser Tool Session > top

This service gives you an Extended Time Dispenser Pro Tool session. This is for those Dispenser  issues that need more time to address, so it will run for an extended period, longer then the usual time for a standard Dispenser Pro Tool  session. The Dispenser Pro Tool session will run for a extended period that I intuit is perfect for you. The cost for this service is $40. To book, click the link below

BOOK the SRC ProTools – Extended Time Dispenser Tool Session



< Issue Solver/Shen Tools Combo Session > top

We are now offering the Issue Solver and Shen Tool Tabs to be purchased together as a combo session.

They’re run within an SRC Cocktail P4 Window, as a standalone package deal for $50

This is $25 for each tool, just like the SRC ProTools cost. They will run for 3 weeks daily and I tend to them every day they’re running and these tools take up one P4 Window that runs SRC Cocktail monthly sessions, These P4 SRC Cocktail windows by themselves usually cost $45 so you are getting 2 tools for $50, a great deal.





  Details of each of the 19 Pro Tools       


 A list of each of the 19 ProTools and a picture of each tool in action is shown below.

Click the name of the Pro Tool you  want to see below, then, if you want to view others, click the To list Start  link below the Title bar of the ProTool you are viewing, to come back to this list, and click the name of another tool.

Issue Solver Tool,   Elemental Scanner Tool,   Dispenser ToolRechargerTool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel ToolSuper Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel ToolSustanance Balancer ToolMediator ToolYes Therapy ToolLight Panel Tool, Timeline ToolSoul Imaging ToolPathogen Panel ToolReiki Panel ToolPrayer Warrior Tool


Issue Solver Tool  

To list Start   Top

You can choose 10 Issues you want to have resolved and they can be 10 separate issues or one issue with all the different problems/aspects of the main issue.

When running Issue Solver for myself personally I keep running Issue Solver until the Issue has resolved, sometimes its immediate and other times it takes a long time or it can be within few weeks. There is no set determined time for an issue to take to resolve, it is very individual. This all works between you and the SRC4U ProTool and your Higher Self and God/The Divine.

You can also choose an Extended Time Issue Solver ProTool session This is for those Issue Solver sessions that need more time to address, this will run for an extended period, longer than the single Issue Solver Pro Tool session. See separate listing for this on this page.issue solver


Elemental Scanner Tool

To list Start   Top

This Pro Tool utilises Traditional Chinese Medicine and works with the elements in your body of Fire Earth, Metal, Wood and how they relate to each organ in your body. This scanner also addresses your energy via Qi, Jing, Shen and Essence. It scans and cleans up the energy into positive energy and creates a code that it then charges the situation, issue etc with. This is a great tool you can use for anything at all and working with the Chinese Energy Healing system.   elemental scanner


Dispenser Tool

To list Start     Top

The Health Dispenser tool is for any health problems and has an extensive drop down menu you can choose from covering many issues, work, family, health, etc Each Cocktail ingredient is intuited that you need for this item and your wellbeing. I run this for many hours at a time on the health or wellbeing item…There is also an Intuitive Sympton selection where it will intuit your issues and run these automatically. This is a fantastic new Pro TOOL and very beneficial… dispenser


Recharger Tool

To list Start     Top

The Recharger Professional Tool has four drop down choices and you can select any part of your body organ or system you wish to CLEAR, BALANCE, RECHARGE OR REGENERATE. You can also enter anything you wish also….A great tool for enhancing your body and wellbeing of each organ and body part….. recharger


Aura Scanner Tool

To list Start     Top

✿ This is an opportunity for those who would love their Auric bodies and Chakras scanned, cleaned, balanced and strengthened, including their mental, emotional, etheric, causal and physical bodies balanced also. This is done via this great Pro Tool so you will receive this being facilitated for you energetically many times with the Aura/Chakra Scan Clean and Strengthen a SRC4U Pro Tool..


Field Generator Tool

To list Start     Top

The Field Generator creates a Energy field around you, A Vortex of Energy any size you make it and you can choose whatever you want in your Energy Field, and the field type can be healing, balancing, enhancing, bed time, etc. In the enhancement box you can choose from an extensive drop down menu of all types of energy and postive states. This can run for up to 24 hours…It can be for any you and any location where you be, and for your Car, workplace, home, bedroom, dog  etc. If you want to feel and be peaceful and relaxed and perfect this generates a field of this for you. field generator


Acupuncture Panel Tool

To list Start     Top

This Professional Tool  gives you an Acupuncture session either it selects what you need and what points or I select and enter your symptons or issues and even add an SRC cocktail for your complaint or issue. It also adds herbs into the session also.   acupuncture panel


Emotions Panel Tool

To list Start     Top

This is one of my favourite tools in Pro Tools. This balances All that Stress, what I am feeling, all that stuff I have going on with anything, and finds all that relates to it energetically, addresses your list of all that bothers you, everything on your black list, all hidden fears,insecurities, secret agendas, works instantly to balance you emotionally with all that stuff you are experiencing..Best tool ever and I use this heaps for myself, family, friends and clients. emotions panel


Super Charger Tool

To list Start     Top

Clear anything, any place or a person, and also charge yourself or a place or item for as long as you want to even permanently…This is the new supercharger and is excellent for charging water, food, rooms with anything you enter into the field box…I have used this function loads of times !!!! super charger


Qi Gong Panel Tool

To list Start     Top

This is a Qi Gong Professional Tool with much on the drop down menu relating to Qi Gong and you can work on any part of your body and being with this tool….. Qi Gong Panel


Sustenance Balancer Tool

To list Start     Top

This great new Professional Tool balances any food water or substance you have ingested, evaluates it, balances it and then adds anything to it you select from a huge panel of choices that then adds in all the vitamins, minerals, energies, herbs, supplements you like to what you ingest from the past or that day.   sustenance balancer


Mediator Tool

To list Start     Top

Perfect Professional Tool to mediate any situation or problem between you and anyone else or any place any time anywhere, and balances the energies and then engages mediation energies to the problem. Great conflict resolution tool and very handy for resolving inner and outer conflicts. mediator


Yes Therapy Tool

To list Start     Top

This is a fantastic Professional Tool , I learnt this method from  Grandmaster David Harris and you can find this on youtube as he instructs alot of his healing methods on youtube, and there are some files on this somewhere online also, so here we have this excellent method as a pro tool, it will remove, clear, balance, lower,raise or anything you enter for any issue or situation you have, clear blocks or problems. I love using this tool and have done this on many issues and problems…great to address anything. yes therapy


Light Panel Tool

To list Start     Top

This Professional Tool is self explanitory, as it sends you these light frequencies to any part of your body and you can list any issue you hae also…   light panel


Timeline Tool

To list Start     Top

This super dooper Professional Tool allows you to put into it any event or experience you have had that isn’t resolved or clear and positive now. So any trauma, or issues you can enter into it at all and it will search for all events and come up with a number like 50 events and boost and clear each event from negative to postive and enhance each one. If you have something you haven’t gotten over give this a go, what have you got to lose???? timeline


Soul Imaging Tool

To list Start     Top

This Professional Tool balances your Emotional switches so that they are repaired and in harmony this Tool finds them all intuitively and repairs these emotional switches for every Emotion.

  soul imaging



Pathogen Panel  Tool

To list Start     Top

This Professional Tool finds all corrections and energy enhancement for dealing with any pathogen at all in your body caused by anything, this Tool I have used countless times for myself family friends and clients

pathogen panel


Reiki Panel  Tool

To list Start     Top

This Professional Tool is  a Reiki treatment and has all Reiki symbols and treatments within it and is a wonderful new addition to Pro Tools.




Prayer Warrior  Tool

To list Start     Top

This is a great Professional Tool. There are 5 different ProTools in the Prayer Warrior Panel, and some of them do include Christian prayers. Decide on which of the 5 tools you want to use from these:.  1. Gods Court. 2. Perverse Energy Reversal. 3. Spiritual Dispenser 4. Glory Zone Creator or 5. Drink from God. 

So, if you choose Prayer Warrior as one of your Pro tools, in your Pro Tool session(s), then please select ONE  of the prayer warrior tools by typing in “Prayer Warrior 1,2,3,4 or 5” from the list above, into the selection field, when ordering, to let me know which prayer warrior tool you want to use.









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