Welcome to Rainbow Healings Website, my name is Erika L Soul and I am an Energy Healer in Boronia Melbourne Australia.
All my services (except Access Bars) I offer via Phone, Skype and In Person. My services include: Angel Readings, Cord Cutting, SRC4YOU Program sessions, Energy Dowsing, Soul Energy Healing sessions, Ho`oponopono Sessions, Access Bar Sessions and others. For the full list, and links to each service Click here.
Also, if you sign up to my Email list, you can receive a FREE Brain Balance Healing, for the life of your subscription.
We also have gift vouchers available, if you want to gift a service to a friend or loved one, for any of my services.
Check out my 3 Blogs at this link. They are: Abundance of Light blog, Yummy and Healthy Recipies Blog and Rainbow Healings Blog
Read my About Me information so you can find out who I am and my background. If you have some questions about my services or want to enquire about making a booking simply contact me by email phone or facebook .
Check out my QIGONG SRC4YOU Sevices below. Currently I offer 2 Group Qigong Src4you Packages: One with from 2-6 Healing Programs in it, and the other with 2 of my healing programs in it. The 2-6 healing program package allows you to subscribe to from 2 to 6 of these Healing programs, at $10/program/month, with $20 being the minimum. If you choose all 6 programs, you get all 6 for $50 instead of $60. The 2nd package costs $20 per month. To find out more info about these 2 packages and other SRC4YOU programs, click here.
Thank you, Enjoy and God Bless, Erika L Soul.
Links to info & Bookings for All My Services
Use the 2 links above to help navigate this page. They both appear below the title bar of every Service listed on this page. Click the link below for the Service you want.
Signup to my email List Gift Vouchers My Blog Links Divine Angel Readings Qigong SRC4YOU Sessions Cord Cutting sessions Rainbow Healings Consultations *Soul Energy Healing *Soul Energy Healing Via Distance Miracles Session*Access Bars *Soul Energy Healing & Access Bars *Energy Makovers *Quantum K *QIGONG SRC4U Pro Tools *Energy Dowsing *Energy Transposing Unit Aquaware Water Ho`oponopono Sessions Prosperity Gold Coin
In my “Divine Angel Treasures” Email list, I send out each month, I include: The Divine Angels Reading for the month, any new audio recording I have made, and any new Energy Healing session I have created. Also included are the monthly Invitations to join the “21 Days Money Prosperity program” and “21 Days Energy Healing Spa” programs, both of which start on the 1st of each month. These two 21 Day programs are paid programs that cost $10 monthly.
If you sign up, you can choose to, receive a SRC4U Brain Balance Healing program ONGOING basis for FREE, as long as you are subscribed. To sign up, simply fill in the form below, and hit the send button,thats it. Thank you and enjoy, Love to all, SoulErika.

Gift Vouchers
are now available for all the services I offer on my website !
Click here for all the details
To top To Services list
My Abundance of Light Cord Cutting Blog
In my Abundance of Light Cord Cutting blog, I have posted articles I love, healing tools, inspirational verse, stories, art, my inspirations and spiritual stuff. I share some of my healing tools so you can access them. My blog is a beautiful vehicle for me to share what I treasure and love. Go to the Abundance of Light Cord Cutting BLOG Go Go to the Abundance of Light Cord Cutting BLOG
My Yummy & Healthy Recipies Blog
This blog is all about Vegan, gluten free recipies I have gathered up over time. Have a look, you might find something really delicious.
Go to Yummy & Healthy Recipies BLOG
My Rainbow Healings Blog
This blog is here for you to know about any new products, services, and new additions and changes to my website. Any price changes, new healing services, new healing recordings, new pages, and anything I want to inform you as a visitor to this site will be posted on this blog page on our site. So check here from time to time to see any new services, goodies and great things I am doing with my website !!!!
* Divine Angel MIRACLE READINGS with SoulErika *

Bookings, Times & Rates and Payment Methods To book any of the readings below call Erika on 0411798393 , or email bookings@rainbowhealings.com Payment for any of the readings below can be made by Paypal (instant payment), OR thru Internet Banking (Takes 2 days), by clicking thru to my : Please note that payment in advance is required for Readings by Phone, Skype or Distance.
*A Reading for 30 mins In Person, Phone, Skype is $60.
*A Reading for 45 mins In Person, Phone, Skype is $75.
*A Reading for 60 mins In Person, Phone, Skype is $90.
*A Reading for 90 mins In Person, Phone,Skype is $120.
*Please Note : Extra time is charged at $15 for each extra 15 mins*
*Rainbow Healings Consultations with SoulErika*
A Rainbow Healings Consultation with Erika L Soul costs $88 and is either in Person, by Phone or via a Skype or Facebook video messenger.
This consultation covers all my services I offer in a session and what you receive will be what is most beneficial for you.
There is no set length of time and this is a set one price session.
Your Consultation will be on whatever you want to enquire about or focus on as your session.
Payment is via my shopping cart, by credit or debit card via Paypal or in Australia ONLY, by Online Banking
Healing with the Angels The Power and Energy of the All Healing within a loving Vortex of Energy Dynamic Healing at the Soul level Experience Healing Miracles Awaken and Heal Your Life Soul Energy Healing
Healing techniques that may be used in your session in any combinations are: Energy Dowsing, Theta healing, Abundance of Light Cord cutting Healing, Angelic Healing, Access Consciousness Clearings, Ho’oponopono,Vibrational Healing, or any other healing tools that SoulErika has in her toolkit.
A divine recipe for you is created with healing processes that work well with your state of consciousness. Before your session take note of any issues that surface or any happenings. As well reflect on what you may want to release transform or experience and bring this with you.
Your session starts from the moment you are booked in with SoulErika. After the session your new journey begins, and feel free to call or email Erika with anything you want to share that’s happened for you. You can have this session in person which is preferable if you can, or it can be conducted over the phone or via skype. If you can attend in person, then these sessions are held in SoulErika’s private practice room in Boronia.
You can also have 2 options with your Soul Energy Healing Session
Bookings, Times & Rates and Payment Methods
To book any of the Healing sessions below call Erika on 0411 798 393 or email bookings@rainbowhealings.com Payment for any of the Healing sessions below can be made by Paypal (instant payment), OR thru Internet Banking (Takes 2 days) Please note that payment in advance is required for Healing sessions conducted by Phone or Skype.Soul Energy Healing session- 45 mins , In Person, By Phone, Skype is $75
Soul Energy Healing session- 90 mins , In Person, By Phone, Skype is $120. * Please Note : Extra time is charged at $15 for each extra 15 mins*

You can be anywhere in the world and receive Soul Energy Healing. Receive Transformational Energy Healing via long distance on whatever you want your healing session to focus on. You will receive Energy and Healing Support assisting you to create positive change in any area of your life.
I, Erika L Soul will be facilitating Energy work on your behalf which may include Energy Dowsing, Cutting cords, Theta healing, a QiGong Cocktail or Individual Pro Tools running on my QiGong Energy Enhancer program, or any other healing Processes or Healing Tools that I have in my healing toolkit that are beneficial also. Whatever I am guided to run or do for you with your healing item will be facilitated. Whatever group QiGong Energy cocktail programs, that I am currently running that can benefit your situation I will add your name into. This is all without you present so it is absent healing.
I facilitate Soul Energy Healing via your Name and a photo of you. Please send your photo to me via email, face book messenger or skype. Your healing focus, issue or situation, for your session, will be entered in the shopping cart when you order this soul energy healing via distance session..
The cost for this service is $60 for a Mini session, $120 for a Full session and $160 for a Full session with a 20-30 min pre-Consultation. A Mini Distance Soul Energy Healing session is a quicker healing session just aimed at helping you deal with an immediate problem. The full session of $120 is equivalent to a Soul Energy Healing 90 mins session and the Full session with a Pre-Consultation is the same as a Full session with the addition of a 20-30 min pre-Consultation.

Your Manifesting Magnificent Miracles Session can be done In person, by Normal phone or via Skype. In person sesions are done in my Therapy room in Melbourne, Australia. My time zone is 10 hours ahead of GMT time. (London time)
This session is designed to bring in your desire of what you want to have do or be into manifestation. During the session we will clear all the unwanted energy thoughts beliefs holding you back from your desire until it is now manifesting in your reality.
We will use a variety of healing methods and manifesting techniques to do this. Learn how to live and dwell in your Vortex. Become a powerful manifestor of all that you desire to have do or be. Align with the Energy that creates Universes. During the session divine guidance is used to see into the issues and the causes of the blocks so as to release them from you.
At the end of the session we do a reading to confirm your future manifestation. Let go of all limitations and illusions you have and be set free fast. Learn how to let go and let the divine work through you. Be all that you can dream . SoulErika will assist you in this powerful transformation.
Learn manifesting techniques simply and easily and use them in your life to co-create miracles. Watch as your life becomes the Magnificent life you always desired and you become the Masterful Magnificent You that you really are.
A 45 minute Miracles session costs $75 and a 1.5 hour Miracles session costs $120 Click the link immediately below to book a session.
Soul Energy Healing with the Works
This Soul Energy Healing with the Works is a new service in which you can have a Soul Energy Healing session and Soul Energy Healing Via Distance , as well as receive additional Energy Work via my special Mastery Edition Qigong Energy Enhancement healing tools.
1. A 1 hour Soul Energy Healing session with Soul Erika (see above for description of this session) Value $90
2. Distance Soul Energy Healing facilitated for you which may include any spiritual healing modality or tool that I am guided to for your session. Value $50
3. A Individual Mastery Edition Qigong Healing Program which includes a Personalised Qi Gong Healing Cocktail, A selection of 19 different Pro tools, Mach 1 tool, Shemotion tool and Ebody tool. All runing for a full month. Click here for a description of the Individual Mastery Edition Qigong Healing program. This alone is valued at $90
The total value of above 3 services is $230. The discounted cost for the “Soul Energy Healing with the Works” is $200.
* ACCESS BARS Sessions with Soul Erika *
What is Access Bars? BARS on our head represent specific life areas: money, sexuality, creativity, control, body, ageing, joy etc. These BARS are energised by gentle hands on energy work to release old thought patterns to reveal a refreshing new concept of life.This process is for everyone, Adults, Children, Elderly and Pets.To get more details about BARS go to this page on my website for it Access Bars page

* Booking your ACCESS BARS Session * Bookings, Times & Rates and Payment Methods Payment for an Access Bars session is usually in person in cash when you have your Bars run. You can also make payment prior to your Bars Session via Paypal (instant payment),or thru Internet Banking (Takes 2 days) If you would like to book a session with me you may call 0411 798 393, or sms text, or email.
A full session is approx 90 mins and this is an In Person *ONLY* session and costs $90. I also offer a 45 Min Bars Sessions for $45. (This is a Cash only price and Cannot be prepaid) This is a way to get a good experience of having your Bars run without the cost of a full session.
This is a COMBINED Soul Energy Healing 45 min Session with Erika L Soul and a Full Access Bars session.
* Booking a Bars & Soul Energy Reading or Healing Session To book your session please call or text Erika L Soul on 0411798393 , facebook message Erika L Deutscher or email bookings@rainbowhealings.com PLEASE NOTE: Payment for the session is paid in cash in person at the time of your session.
Combined Soul Energy Healing 45min Session & 45 Mini Access Bars session for aprox 90 mins is $120.
Combined Soul Energy Healing or Reading 45min Session & Full Access Bars session 15 mins $160.

AN ENERGY TRANSPOSING UNIT By John Richardson I have written about installing one of these units in many of my exploits with energy. It can be installed remotely or on-site, whilst in your Dowsing Mode. Think of it as a type of car wash, it runs on energy instead of water, and will transpose any non-beneficial energies into beneficial energies, on any designated area of land, including any water or buildings on that property.
In Addition to the Energy Transposing Unit, you will receive a MINI Home Energy Makeover, prior to installation of the Energy Transposing Unit. I will be working with a photo of your property. I will dowse on what the levels of energy are, and then select what will be beneficial to facilitate. By doing all of this before I install the Energy Transposing Unit, it can get to work and do its job much faster, from a clearer healthier space. What I include in the MINI Home Energy Makeover, will be chosen from the list below and any other healing tools I have that I feel will be beneficial.
1. Joey Korn’s ‘Blessing over an Entire Home. (I do this with Dowsing See my Dowsing page Here – opens a new window)
2. SRC4U Pro Tools Aura Scan Clean and Strengthen. (see Here for explanation – opens a new window)
3. SRC4U Pro Tools Aura Scan Clean and Strengthen. (see Here for explanation – opens a new window)
4. SRC4U Pro Tool Perverse Energies Reversal. (see Here for explanation – opens a new window)
5. Deep Pendulum Clearing. (see Here for explanation – opens a new window)
6. Adjusting the frequency of the Building to its ideal frequency, and adjusting it to the frequency of Prosperity. (I do this with Dowsing See my Dowsing page Here – opens a new window)
7. Raising the Energy and vibration up to the highest most beneficial level. (I do this with Dowsing See my Dowsing page Here – opens a new window)
8. Checking the level of Love in the Building and raising it to 100%. (I do this with Dowsing See my Dowsing page Here – opens a new window)
How to have an Energy Transposing Unit Installed If you wish to have this installed in your home, workplace or building contact me to arrange this. I will need the full actual address of the place and your permission to install this. Payment for the Energy Transposing Unit costs $60. To book this service, click the pink link below, then proceed with the remainder of instructions in the shopping cart page. Thank you.
Quantum K is based on the combination of sound, colour, fractal geometry, harmonics and symbols and accesses the Zero Point Energy Field. The original system Quantum K is based upon, was created by Brian Tuner, then modified by Andrew Kemp into its current form.

ENERGY DOWSING VIA DISTANCE Dowsing sessions are also available via distance work for an agreed donation contact Erika to arrange cost and what will be included depending on your requirements.

Booking Times, Rates and Payment Methods.
To book an In Person by Skype or Phone dowsing session, call Erika on 0411798393 or email bookings@rainbowhealings.com 45 min Sessions cost : $75 or 90min sessions cost $120.
Payment for any type of dowsing session can be made by Paypal (instant payment), OR thru Internet Banking (Takes 2 days) To book a session click the link below.
* QIGONG SRC4U Sessions with the Energy Enhancer program *
For centuries Qi Gong has been known to enhance relaxation, stress reduction and exercise programs. The literal translation of Qi Gong: “life energy cultivation”. Sounds good! Today we can enhance the effects of Qi Gong using 21st Century Technology. It’s called QIGONG SRC4U Energy Enhancer program.
QIGONG Energy Enhancer program is the merging of an ancient art that works with today’s technology into a first to market software program that is easy to use and easy to own. Run the software on yourself or those closest to you and discover a new system and a new way to dombat the stress of today’s fast paced world! Just as proper exercise and nutrition have always contributed to being healthier and feeling more balanced, adding Qi Gong enhancing software to your daily regimen can have a profoundly positive effect on your personal “life energy cultivation.”
The QIGONG Energy Enhancer program acts as a sending board to send a person healing energies on whatever you enter into it, and sends the energies of any Healing Modality energetically to the person, and intuits what that person requires each time.
The QIGONG Energy Enhancer program creates what is called a COCKTAIL file of all your issues and the modalities and therapies used to address your issues. Each time the QIGONG Energy Enhancer programruns, as mentioned above, the program intuits what energies are needed/transmitted to the person at the time it runs, so that your treatment is always relevant to your state of health at the time it runs..
To learn more about what this QIGONG Energy Enhancer program is you can visit their Website Here
Soul Erika has created 12 types of QIGONG programs that you can sign up for.These are all listed below. Click on the Title of each program to go to a description of it and also where you can sign up for it.
1. Multple 2-6 GROUP SRC Signup package ($20-50/MTH)
This package gives you a choice of 2 to 6 Group SRCs that you can choose too purchase, all in one place. The cost is $10 per SRC per Month, from 1 to 6 months. If you purchase all 6 SRCs, you will receive a discount of $10, thats $50 for 6 SRCs. The choice of SRCs are as follows::
1. 21 days Money Prosperity Blessings SRC4U Qigong Cocktail [value $15 ]
2. Ho’oponopono Healing SRC4U Qigong Cocktail [value $15]
3. 21 Days Energy Healing Spa SRC4U Qigong Cocktail [ value $15] Click HERE for more Info.
4. Brain Balance Healing SRC4U Qigong Cocktail [ value $15]
5. Group Health and Wellness SRC4U Qigong Cocktail [ value $15]
6. Youthening, Logevity, Weight, Pain, Inflammation SRC
This includes 2 Qigong Healing cocktails
1st. 21 Days Money Prosperity Blessings Src4you qigong Cocktail
2nd. 21 Days Energy Healing Spa Qigong Cocktail
5. HO’OPONOPONO Cleansing Memories Qigong Cocktail
8. Individual – HO’OPONOPONO Cleaning Personalised Qigong SRC4U Cocktail
9. Individual – HEALING Personalised Qigong SRC4U Cocktail
10. Individual – MONEY PROSPERITY Qigong SRC4U Cocktail
11. Individual – Personalised MANIFESTING MIRACLES Qigong SRC4U Cocktail
12. Individual – HOUSE / BUILDING / PLACE Clearing & Charging Qigong SRC4U Cocktail
The QIGONG pro tools are a part of the Qigong SRC4U Energy Enhancer program. I offer two services based on the SRC Pro Tools, A Multiple Tools session and a Single Tool session. They are both described below.
SRC ProTools – Multiple Tools Session
The QIGONG pro tools are a part of the Qigong SRC4U Energy Enhancer program. This Multiple Tools session gives you a selection of the 19 Pro Tools available (shown and listed below), run for you, based on the issue(s) you nominate.
The selected Pro Tools will run for for you throughout an Intuitively selected period that is perfect for you. This can be purchased multiple times. So if you feel you need to have them run more than once you can. The following list are the 19 Pro Tools available: Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustanance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior. The cost for this SRC Protools Multiple Tools Session is $60 per session. Click here for more info on each Pro Tool(opens a new window)
BOOK A SRC PROTOOLS – Multiple Tools Session
SRC ProTools – Single Tool Session
This Single Tool session gives you a choice of ONE ProTool from the 19 Pro Tools available (shown and listed below), to be run for you, that you have selected, to address your issue.
The selected Pro Tool will run for for you throughout an Intuitively selected period that is perfect for you. This can be purchased multiple times. So if you feel you need to have it run more than once you can.
NOW the Single ProTools Session includes one extra free Bonus ProTool that is intuitively selected for you and your healing item. Two SRC4U ProTools for the price of one !!
Below are the 19 Pro Tools:
Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustanance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior. The cost for this SRC ProTools Single Tool Session is $25 per session. Click here for more info on each Pro Tool(opens a new window)
SRC ProTools – 4 Tools Session
This 4 Tools session gives you a choice of FOUR ProTools from the 19 Pro Tools available (shown and listed below), to be run for you, that you have selected, to address your issue.
The selected Pro Tools will run for for you throughout an Intuitively selected period that is perfect for you. This can be purchased multiple times. So if you feel you need to have it run more than once you can. Below are the 19 Pro Tools: Issue Solver Tool, Elemental Scanner Tool, Dispenser Tool, Recharger Tool, Aura Scanner Tool, Field Generator Tool, Acupuncture Panel Tool, Emotions Panel Tool, Super Charger Tool, Qi Gong Panel Tool, Sustanance Balancer Tool, Mediator Tool, Yes Therapy Tool, Light Panel Tool, Timeline Tool, Soul Imaging tool, Pathogen Panel, Reiki Panel and the Prayer Warrior. The cost for this SRC ProTools 4 Tools Session is $40 per session. Click here for more info on each Pro Tool(opens a new window)
Aquaware water is water that has been programmed to achieve a specified effect for you when you drink it.
This is achieved by a Computer software program called Aquaware 4.0 created by Peter Schenk. I have purchased the Aquaware 4.0 program, and for those people who do not have access to aquaware 4.0. I offer a service where I can Program your water for you. remotely, using a photo of your water containers, which can be as many as you like. Because Aquaware 4.0 works on a Quantum level, it allows water to be programmed over any distance at all. So I can program your water where ever you are. All I need is a picture of your water container(s) to help me focus on your water while I program it with Aquaware. Click my Aquaware page here (opens a new window), to find out all about Aquaware water.
* To have your Water Programmed with Aquaware *
Aquareware allows you to program your water from more than 700 built in intents. You can download the list of these 700 plus intents when you click the booking link below. It also allows the creation of custom Intents and the layering of up to a maximum of 7 Intents into the same water. Doing this does take some skill and experience with Aquaware, which is where I come in to assist you in divining what specific intents are best for you now after some consultation with you.
The cost of this service is $40, and is negotiable depending on your requirements. To enable me to program your water, I need to discuss with you what your needs are and what to program your water with, and also to have a picture of your water bottles. To do this you can contact me via Facebook Chat or via email: treasures@rainbowhealings.com. Click the booking link below to get started.
In these Ho’oponopono Cleaning Sessions we do the cleaning together on whatever your focus is for your session. I am simply a vehicle of the Divine and guiding the Cleaning Session with the Divine’s Inspiration and Guidance. It is a co-creation with the Divine and an unknown journey. We won’t be seeking results outcomes or answers it is simply a session in which we focus on cleaning together with whatever comes up. As we clean we will be listening to the Divine with each step we take and what cleaning tool or prayer to clean with. To learn more about Ho`oponopono, go to my Ho`onopono page HERE
* Booking a Ho`oponopono Session *
I am offering these Ho’oponopono Cleaning Sessions individually either over the phone, in person or via Skype or Facebook messenger video chat. Payment is made via my Agreed Donations shop cart by clicking the link below. The cost of this service is $120 and a session is approximately 90mins. Please prepay your Session and then email me at treasures@rainbowhealings.com to arrange your Ho’oponopono Cleaning Session. Thank you.
This session is whatever is up for you that we can address with The Abundance of Light CordCutting Healing Technique, you can choose something or we can just go with what is presenting in you during the session. We will utilise any Abundance of Light Macro’s, the common ones, Macro of the Moment Cards, First Time Healing Cards, Individual CordCutting Lists, my Macro’s, Abundance of Light CordCutting BarbBall, and will simply be cutting cords holus bolus with your healing focus utilising all Macro’s required. During the session you can also ask any questions you have about using this Cordcutting technique or the new Abundance of Light Cordcutting BarbBall.
www.rainbowhealings.com/agreeddonation and Cordcutting is on the list of services you can choose.
(Voluntary Agreed Donation means that I have agreed to the amount you are paying)
If you wish to have a session with Erika using The Abundance of Light Cord Cutting technique, simply contact me directly and request an Abundance of Light Cord Cutting Healing session. The session can be in person, over the phone, by Skype or Facebook Messenger via video chat, or via distance healing.
A 30 min session costs $60, A 60 minute session costs $90 and a 90 minute session costs $120.
To book and pay for a session, click the Book a Cord Cutting Session Now Link below. Love SoulErika
Book a Cord Cutting session Now
This real money coin is energetically imprinted with the Spirit of Prosperity, Abundance and Wealth. It is a Lucky Money Coin and a Magnet for Money designed to attract Money, lucky opportunities, financial blessings, Work, and more prosperity and wealth into your life. It is a Divine Money Miracles manifestor ! It is drawing in the energy of Abundance, increasing the flow of abundance and increasing the amount you are allowing yourself to receive.
Hi I am looking for some one to do face, palm or tea leaf reading for a group for a kitchen tea party
Yes I can do this one to one readings with palm or face readings, I have done home party ones as well as public venues over the years many times before, so just give me a call to discuss it or email.. Are you in Melbourne as that would be the thing to make sure first we are in the same area !!!
thankyou Erika L Soul
This is Avinash from India I am a Reiki healer but when I try to heal any one or my self I don’t feel any thing I feel blockage please do something for me so I can feel free flow of the Energy some time I feel blockage in my few chakras
Sending you and your country loving energy at this difficult time….peace to you Erika….
I feel that my brain is functioning more fully since Erika did an energy brain healing. The "brain fog" seems to have gone away.
The pain in my ear, throat, lower abdomen, top of my left foot are gone. Pain in other areas have dimenished. If I hadn't had this healing for myself I would have probably been more skeptical. Erika's soul energy healing is miraculous. It is Divine Magic. Thank you.